Contemporary Czech Art in Berlin w/ Natálie Černá & Lena Fließbach about Cycle Up!
Podcast Contemporary Czech Art in Berlin

Contemporary Czech Art in Berlin w/ Natálie Černá & Lena Fließbach about Cycle Up!
0:00 24:44

The podcast features Lena Fließbach and Natálie Černá from the Cycle Up! project. They share insights into promoting sustainability in cultural institutions. Cycle Up! connects artists, decision-makers, and communities who care about our climate to find creative ideas and solutions to bring more bicycles to our streets. Our guests discuss eco-conscious approaches in art residencies, such as emission reduction and local production, with examples like pollution-focused art in Berlin. The initiative collaborates with nonprofits and institutions to foster sustainable practices in the arts. More details are available on the Cycle Up website

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